GoldMiners OutPost
Email: crazyforgold007@yahoo.com
Tel. (760)374-2102

European hunters and fur traders followed by adventurers were the earliest to settle the area. But it was during the Gold Rush of 1848, that a miner named Claude Chana discovered gold in the Auburn Ravine setting the stage for what is now Auburn.
Auburn Clock TowerEarly names for the mining camp were North Fork Dry Diggings, Rich Ravine, Wood's Dry Diggings and Auburn Ravine. It was not until 1849 that the name Auburn was adopted.
The trails created by the day to day mining are today the quaint city streets of downtown Auburn. On May 13, 1865 Auburn's city stature was assured when the Central Pacific Railroad officially stopped in Auburn.
Auburn, the “Endurance Capital of the World” host to the Tevis Cup and Western States ultra run, sits just above the valley fog and below the snowline of the sierra. Auburn is nestled in the oaks and cedars of the sierra foothills near the American River. A perfect blend of days gone by and modern development maintaining small town charm.
An abundance of history surrounds this city including the oldest continuously operating post office in the United States and the seven oldest businesses in California. Visitors can enjoy the history or shopping, fine dining, entertainment, antique shops, art galleries, museums, and many recreational attractions.
Auburn is located on Interstate 80, at an elevation of 1,500' in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. It is about 35 miles NE of Sacramento, exactly 100 miles west of Reno, NV, and is the county seat of Placer County. The population of the city in mid-2002 was just over 11,000, however the population of the surrounding unincorporated area that has an Auburn postal address is probably triple that.
The Placer County Courthouse (right), which dates from the 1870's, has been recently restored. It again houses the county courts, with a cool museum on the first floor.
Auburn was founded at the beginning of the California Gold Rush in 1849, when Claude Chana (statue at left with my friends posing by it) discovered gold in the streambed of what is now Auburn Ravine Creek. Indeed, the first California gold discovery site by James Marshall at John Sutter's sawmill in Coloma is only about 20 minutes south on State Route 49. For some time, Auburn was the eastern terminus of the Central Pacific Railroad which would eventually link up with the Union Pacific at Promontary Point in Utah and become the first transcontinental rail link.
The North and Middle Forks of the American River join just below Auburn, and continue on down into Folsom Lake. Their confluence is the site of the 3rd highest bridge in the US, a span some 700' above the river. The Foresthill Bridge was built to span the lake that would be formed by the now-abandoned Auburn Dam, and has been the site of a number of stunts for films ... the latest being the opening scene in Vin Diesel's "XXX." If you are planning to visit in the area, this web site includes some brief information on accommodations. The Auburn web site is at http://www.auburn.ca.gov/


Auburn, CA

Auburn Ravine - 1852

A little gold I found near town!

We miners will all miss Pioneer Mining in Auburn! Good memories! - Hat’s off to Pioneer Mining Supplies in Auburn, CA - after many years in the business serving fellow prospectors in Northern California! Thank you Frank! (I think the daughter reopened it not too far away)
