GoldMiners OutPost
Email: crazyforgold007@yahoo.com
Tel. (760)374-2102

The Park encompasses approximately 200 acres and is located along the Bear River, which divides Nevada and Placer Counties in Northern California, near the city of Colfax. The River and surrounding Sierra Foothills offer a variety of activities for the outdoor enthusiast including picnicking, camping, gold panning, fishing, and hiking trails. During the summer months floating down the river is also a popular activity.
The Bear River is part of a large network of streams draining the western slope of the Sierra Nevada. It was to these streams and rivers that the pioneers of the 1800’s came to seek their fortunes. Although the “Gold Rush” is over, the Bear River is still a valuable mining resource.
At the park’s average elevation of 1800 feet, there exists a diversity of plant life, from willows and alders at the river’s edge, to towering Ponderosa Pines and Douglas Firs along the hiking trails. Beneath these largest members of the plant community can be found a variety of grasses, wildflowers and shrubs, such as Manzanita, Ceanothus, Poison Oak California Buckeye, Elderberry, Toyon, bleeding heart, Trillium and Mountain Misery. Wildlife is also abundant although most are wary of people and are not often seen. Animals such as black-tailed deer, raccoons, squirrels, skunks, porcupines, foxes, and even a few bobcats are among the many animals living in the park. And of course, always be careful of rattlesnakes which are native to this area.
Bear river campground by Colfax California. Heading east from Sacramento, take the Wiemar Crossroads exit from I-80, go left over the freeway and follow that road to its end, you will see a sign for the Bear River Campground, so turn right and it's a couple of miles but you will see the sign for you to turn left and follow the PUBLIC road to the river, I always stop in the first parking lot where you can use anything but power equipment. There is gold in every pan guaranteed, not alot but fine gold dust in every pan. Get down to the river and just pick a spot and start digging. Best use here is a sluice box.
Fishing is permitted on the Bear River. In addition to the Rainbow Trout, most frequently caught, German Brown, Smallmouth Bass, and Blue Gill are also common. All state laws regarding fishing apply here in the park, so please observe them.
Bear River offers a wonderful hike through nature. With many trails provided to help you explore the park. Some trails are narrow and caution is advised.
Family (23 family) and Group Camp sites (up to 100 people) are available. Call Parks at 530-886-4901 for more information.
Placer County Parks Department
11476 C Avenue
Auburn, Ca 95603

This gold was taken from Bear River near Hwy 49 (not the campground) sniping for an hour or so
The gold below (showing in the sluice box black matting) was from a spot near the campground - it was almost a gram of fine gold, the whole sluice box black matting was lit up like Christmas tree - I was really fortunate to find this spot!
Lot’s of fine gold!


Hwy 49 over Bear River