GoldMiners OutPost

Dredges & Highbankers
Email: crazyforgold007@yahoo.com
Tel. (760)374-2102

KEENE 4” 4400PH Ultra Mini Dredge
* Our best-seller and my favorite!!! Why? Because these units are lighter and yet still have the power and diameter to move gravel! One man can handle this and it’s easier to maneuver than most other units. The smaller units don’t suck as much gravel and by comparison are still relatively cumbersome, so if you want something that moves a goodly amount of dirt for a one or two man operation and yet light weight, this unit is for you!

This New 4” dredge is specifically designed to be lighter and more portable than our standard model. The smaller, lighter, more compact 4” is ideal for packing into remote areas and is also great for quick one-day outings.
The sluice box has been shortened by 8” for a total of 40” in length. The new sluice is a single-stage box, however, with the woven wire classifier, the long rubber damper, miners moss, rubber ribbed matting, and the latest riffle designs, you will not be disappointed in the fine gold recovery. The lighter sluice and flare weights around 30 lbs, making it easy to throw it over your shoulder and pack it in. The new float and frame on much smaller and lighter only 40 inches wide and 60” long and weighs less than 50 lbs. The dredge is just the right size to fit in between the wheel wells of a mini pickup or inside a small SUV.
The dredge comes with a 6.5 hp Honda Jet Motor/Flare and P180 pump. The Dredge comes with 20 feet of suction hose and the oversized non-clogging power jet and jet flare. This is a lot of dredge in a little package. (Net Wt. 160 Lbs)
KEENE 4” 4400PH GX200 HP Honda Motor Ultra Mini Dredge:
(KAC Compressor not Included)
KEENE 4” 4505PHKAC Honda Ultra Mini Dredge:
(Same as above but with the Honda Motor. KAC Compressor IS included w/Snorkel)
*NOTE: Our Regular size Dredges vary in price from $3,500 to $4,170 - Please call for prices and info.
Tel. (562)360-7255
KEENE 4HP Honda 3" 3400PH Ultra Mini Dredge
(T80 Compressor is not included)
Model 3400P comes complete a 4 horsepower Honda engine, 20 feet of 3" suction hose and a 14" x 48" sluice box. Equipped with a P104 pump and our new oversized jet flare and jet with suction hose quick coupling.
Float dimesnions are 60" x 10.5" x 10.5" and Floatation assembly is 60" x 40"
Net Weight: 159 lbs.

KEENE 4HP GX200 Honda 3" 3405PH Ultra Mini Dredge:
KAC Compressor and Snorkel IS included. P104 Pump
KEENE 6.5HP HONDA 3" 3500PH Ultra Mini Dredge:
W/P180 Pump. No Compressor or Snorkel.

KEENE 6.5HP HONDA 3" 3505PH Ultra Mini Dredge:
T80 Compressor & Snorkel IS included. W/P180

6113H 6 Inch Mini Dredge
Our 6113H is a dream to operate and is powered by a GX390 Honda Engine. Equipped with our new HP500 is capable of pumping up to 500 GPM and provides up to 180 feet of head pressure. The new pump design has duel discharge ports capable of running a “blaster nozzle” to blow out bedrock and clean crevices. The new KAC provides an air supply for two divers with ample air to spare. For the serious gold prospector, or even the professional, requiring portability and performance. Increased suction power enables the user to pull rocks from over a foot away and moves a tremendous amount of material.
Net weight 410lbs.
GX390 Honda Engine
Pump Model PHP500
KAC Compressor
PJ6T20 Jet
Flotation = PF525
30 Feet Suction depth
0.75 Gallons per hour
16 Yards Per Hour
20 Feet Hose Length
Net weight 410lbs.

* NOTE: We have other 6" models - Please call for info: (562)360-7255
5 Inch, 13 HP Honda Dredge With 3 Stage Sluice
Equipped with an 13 horsepower Honda engine, our model 5111P is so portable and powerful that there is no wonder it has become a favorite of dredgers everywhere. Light, portable and efficient with our fine gold hoarding 3 stage sluice system, the 5111P is clearly a sound choice for professional results.

Engine: 13 HP Honda
Pump Model: P350L
Comp: 263
Max. Depth: 35 Feet
Power Jet: PJ53
Float Assembly: PFA5
Hose Length: SH5 20'
Gallons Per Hour: .60
Ma. Yards Per Hr: 10 Yards Per hr.
* NOTE: We have other 5" models - Please call for info: (562)360-7255
2.5" - Ultra Dredge with Compressor & Suction Nozzle
GX120 Honda Engine
Pump/Engine: PHP160
Jet: SN250
Compressor: T-80
Hose: 2.5" x 20' (20 feet long)
Weight: 144 lbs.

* NOTE: We have other 2.5" models - Please call for info: (562)360-7255
2" Backpack Dredge with Suction Nozzle
This super high powered backpackable dredge is equipped with a quiet, lightweight, heavy-duty Honda GX50 engine. This highly efficient engine can run up to five hours on a single gallon of gas. This engine and pump combination produces an unbelievable 100 gallons per minute and up to 160 feet of head pressure. The 10 by 36 inch sluice box is specifically engineered for fine gold recovery and easy clean up. The Model 2004 is constructed with an aluminum frame and is supported with either flexible black vinyl inflatable or grey hard cross-linked polyethylene pontoons. Inflatable pontoons are ideal for easy storage and transportation while the cross-linked polyethylene floats are exceptionally durable and light. The suction nozzle is ideal for working in shallow conditions.
Includes 15 feet of suction hose and 17 feet of pressure hose.
Dredge capacity 1.5 yards per hour.
Net weight 66 pounds.
Shipping weight 90 pounds.

2" Backpack Dredge with Power Jet
This super high powered backpackable dredge is equipped with a quiet, lightweight, heavy-duty Honda GX50 engine. This highly efficient engine can run up to five hours on a single gallon of gas. This engine and pump combination produces an unbelievable 100 gallons per minute and up to 160 feet of head pressure. The 10 by 36 inch sluice box is specifically engineered for fine gold recovery and easy clean up. The Model 2004 is constructed with an aluminum frame and is supported with either flexible black vinyl inflatable or grey hard cross-linked polyethylene pontoons. Inflatable pontoons are ideal for easy storage and transportation while the cross-linked polyethylene floats are exceptionally durable and light. The power jet is ideal for most conditions and provides greater suction power and far less rock jams.
Includes 15 feet of suction hose and 4 feet of pressure hose.
Dredge capacity 1.5 yards per hour.
Net weight 65 pounds.
Shipping weight 80 pounds.

* NOTE: Ask us about our 8" Dredges and SUPER MAX Dredges (562)360-7255
Mini Max Power Sluice Concentrator
The new and improved Mini Max Power Sluice Concentrator is the multi-tool of prospecting. We have changed our updated machine from a double pump system to one single, larger pump. The new pump provides not only greater water flow and higher head lift but also a larger diameter pressure hose which creates a higher flow than the double pump system. We've also doubled the hose length to 8 feet, added a new ball valve for precise flow control and a screw on connector that requires no tools.
Whether you are working river banks, desert placer's or just cleaning concentrates for larger dredges and equipment, the Mini Max is a prospecting tool that will always be part of your arsenal. This multi purpose package includes a removable mat for the lower sluice box, converting it to a professional clean up machine simly by sliding out the green rubber riffle and replacing it with Miracle Matting. It is also supplied with an additional finer woven mesh screen on the top hopper for using it as a concentrating system. Another new improvement is that the Mini Max is powered by a single 2200 GPH, 12 volt pump made proudly in the U.S.A. The top hopper is equipped with a flood header that provides smooth water flow through the trough, over a slick plate and in to a 6 inch section of miracle mat that gives you a preview to any captured gold! The top sluice lifts off easily so you can inspect the lower sluice, eliminating the need for cleaning. The material is then washed over a removable classifier grizzly screen, removing the oversized waste gravel. The bottom sluice box is lined with our green rubber riffle that recovers ultra fine gold and can handle larger volumes of material. When used as a concentrating system, the lower sluice is partially covered by oversized expanded metal. When used as a power sluice you can expect a capacity of up to a quarter of a yard per hour and about a third of its capacity when used as a concentrating machine. This Mini Max can also be operated by a small, single gas powered pump such as our P90G Pump Kit. This device is ideal for back packing given it folds up into an compact size of 36 by 14 by 7 inches and weighs under 23 pounds. The four independent legs fold up with our new pin-lock folding system with large wing nuts that make it a breeze to adjust elevation and articulation. Thw Mini Max also includes a mountable flare for use as a hand sluice.
Net weight 23 pounds.
Shipping weight 29 lbs.

4 HP Power Sluice (High Banker) Concentrator
This Concentrator is powered by a 4 horsepower Honda Engine and P103 pump. Equipped with 25 feet of 1.25 inch pressure hose, FVA20 Foot Valve and hose assembly.
Net weight of 82 pounds.

4 HP Power Sluice & 2.5 Inch (High Banker) Combination
This is our 173 Dredge Conversion with the addition of a 2 1/2 inch dredge suction nozzle, 10 feet of 2 1/2 inch suction hose and 12 feet of additional pressure hose to extend the suction system.
Net weight is 98 pounds.

4 HP Honda (High Banker) Power Sluice
This Concentrator is powered by a 4 horsepower Honda Engine and P103 pump. Equipped with 25 feet of 1.25 inch pressure hose, FVA20 Foot Valve and hose assembly.
Net weight of 82 pounds

4 HP Honda Power Sluice & 2 ½ inch Dredge (High Banker) Combination
This is our 173 Combination Dredge & Power Sluice, powered by a 4 HP Honda Engine with the addition of a 2 1/2 inch dredge suction nozzle, 15 feet of 2 1/2 inch suction hose and 12 feet of additional pressure hose to extend the suction system.
Net weight 98 pounds

6 HP Power Sluice (High Banker) Concentrator
The 175 Concentrator is powered by a 6 horsepower Intec Pro Engine and P185 pump. Equipped with 50 feet of 1.5 inch pressure hose, FVA25 Foot Valve and hose assembly.
Net weight is 90 pounds.

6 HP Honda Power Sluice & 3 Inch Dredge (High Banker) Combination
This is our 175 Combination Dredge & Power Sluice, powered by a 6 HP Honda Engine with the addition of a 3 inch dredge suction nozzle, 15 feet of 3 inch suction hose and 12 feet of additional pressure hose to extend the suction system.
Net weight 107 pounds.

6 HP Power Sluice (High Banker) with 8 Foot Sluice Box
The Extended Power Sluice is designed for recovery of extremely fine gold, diamonds and gemstones. These machines have been commonly used in the fields of Africa and are ideal for pilot sampling prior to starting large-scale operations. Designed to be a lightweight, portable concentrator that is suitable for the recovery of extremely fine gold and gemstones. This system has evolved from our Model 175 and 1753, with sluice box extensions that measure 4 feet in length and 12 inches in width. Each sluice extension will increase the recovery of values and extend the time between cleaning the sluice of concentrates. Each sluice extension is equipped with a conversion kit including suspension support legs that give added support for any terrain. Specify recovery for Gold, Diamonds or both as they have different riffle configurations. Models are also available as a concentrator for large operations. The Power Sluice Combination Dredge is equipped with a 3 inch diameter suction system that is 20 feet in length. This combination makes it possible to vacuum material directly into a collection hopper where material is washed, separated, classified and recovered.
Model 175X8 is our 6 HP Concentrator with an 8 foot sluice box, powered by a 6 HP Honda, with 50 feet of Nylobraid Hose and FVA25E foot Valve.
Net weight 112 pounds

6 HP Power Sluice with 12 Foot Sluice Box (High Banker)

The Extended Power Sluice is designed for recovery of extremely fine gold, diamonds and gemstones. These machines have been commonly used in the fields of Africa and are ideal for pilot sampling prior to starting large-scale operations. Designed to be a lightweight, portable concentrator that is suitable for the recovery of extremely fine gold and gemstones. This system has evolved from our Model 175 and 1753, with sluice box extensions that measure 4 feet in length and 12 inches in width. Each sluice extension will increase the recovery of values and extend the time between cleaning the sluice of concentrates. Each sluice extension is equipped with a conversion kit including suspension support legs that give added support for any terrain. Specify recovery for Gold, Diamonds or both as they have different riffle configurations. Models are also available as a concentrator for large operations. The Power Sluice Combination Dredge is equipped with a 3 inch diameter suction system that is 20 feet in length. This combination makes it possible to vacuum material directly into a collection hopper where material is washed, separated, classified and recovered.
Model 175X12 Concentrator with 12 foot sluice box, powered by a 6 HP Honda, with 50 feet of Nylobraid Hose and a FVA25E foot Valve.
Net weight 122 pounds
6 HP - 3 Inch Dredge Combination with 8 Foot Sluice Box (High Banker)
The Extended Power Sluice is designed for recovery of extremely fine gold, diamonds and gemstones. These machines have been commonly used in the fields of Africa and are ideal for pilot sampling prior to starting large-scale operations. Designed to be a lightweight, portable concentrator that is suitable for the recovery of extremely fine gold and gemstones. This system has evolved from our Model 175 and 1753, with sluice box extensions that measure 4 feet in length and 12 inches in width. Each sluice extension will increase the recovery of values and extend the time between cleaning the sluice of concentrates. Each sluice extension is equipped with a conversion kit including suspension support legs that give added support for any terrain. Specify recovery for Gold, Diamonds or both as they have different riffle configurations. Models are also available as a concentrator for large operations. The Power Sluice Combination Dredge is equipped with a 3 inch diameter suction system that is 20 feet in length. This combination makes it possible to vacuum material directly into a collection hopper where material is washed, separated, classified and recovered.
Model 1753X8 Combination Dredge & Power Sluice with 8 foot sluice box, powered by a 6 HP Honda, with 50 feet of Nylobraid Hose and a FVA25E foot Valve.
Net weight 172

6 HP - 3 Inch Dredge Combination with 12 Foot Sluice Box
(High Banker)
The Extended Power Sluice is designed for recovery of extremely fine gold, diamonds and gemstones. These machines have been commonly used in the fields of Africa and are ideal for pilot sampling prior to starting large-scale operations. Designed to be a lightweight, portable concentrator that is suitable for the recovery of extremely fine gold and gemstones. This system has evolved from our Model 175 and 1753, with sluice box extensions that measure 4 feet in length and 12 inches in width. Each sluice extension will increase the recovery of values and extend the time between cleaning the sluice of concentrates. Each sluice extension is equipped with a conversion kit including suspension support legs that give added support for any terrain. Specify recovery for Gold, Diamonds or both as they have different riffle configurations. Models are also available as a concentrator for large operations. The Power Sluice Combination Dredge is equipped with a 3 inch diameter suction system that is 20 feet in length. This combination makes it possible to vacuum material directly into a collection hopper where material is washed, separated, classified and recovered.
Model 1753X12 Combination Dredge & Power Sluice with 8 foot sluice box, powered by a 6 HP Honda, with 50 feet of Nylobraid Hose, a FVA25E foot Valve.
Net weight 192 pounds

High Production Power Sluice Assembly (High Banker)
Nearly twice the size of our previous models. This model is our concentrator assembly ONLY. Hoses and motors are not included. Dimensions are 8 feet by twenty inches. Net weight 110 lbs

High Production Power Sluice with Honda Engine (High Banker)
This model features a hopper that is nearly twice the size of our previous models, and is longer and wider to accommodate greater volume. The 17820H comes complete with a GX200 Honda motor, a P185 pump, FVA 25E intake assembly and fifty feet of 2 inch Nylobraid hose with all the couplings to complete this system. This combination makes it possible to vacuum material directly into the hopper where material is processed and classified. Net weight is 183lbs.

701 Highway 395
Red Mountain, Calif. 93558
Tel. (760)374-2102