GoldMiners OutPost
Email: crazyforgold007@yahoo.com
Tel. (760)374-2102
Meadow Valley (near Quincy)
Northern California in the Mother Lode

* Notice the red dirt, typical of the Mother Lode area! Red dirt indicates oxidation of iron which in turn tells you there are metals in the dirt (including, gold, copper, etc)

My sluice box in the creek - it was getting late and there are many trees covering the creek
My claim sign on tree
Meadow Creek

Parking area
Hiking down with my sluice
This is the first gold I got in an hour sampling my new claim - There’s not a lot of small stuff in this claim but big nuggets in this creek! - I just need to get deeper in the gut of the creek!
I just bought this claim and I’m really excited about it! Quincy is not too far from here and it’s between the Middle Fork and North Fork of the Feather Rivers (which historically, had a lot of gold pulled from the area!) Sadly the original owner of the claim died and the widow sold it, but when he used to dredge it, he got really large size nuggets!!! Hopefully, we’ll be able to dredge again. This creek is not known for small gold but rather larger size gold! The day I went out to sample I did find some small gold but it was not easy and because I had to sample another claim in the area that I also just bought, I only had a short time. It was still fun knowing that I did find some gold that day and can hardly wait to go back again - There was some hydraulic Mining done farther up above the claim in the ancient channel and the claim sits in a nice ‘pocket’ to trap the gold! It was real peaceful time I had there and the area was beautiful! So I put up new claim signs and reluctantly left for home. There's a lot of interesting mining history in the area!

Arriving at the claim and setting up camp

Panning out the gold from the claim
Click here for photos and videos of using a Bazooka type gold dredge in this area: