Tel. (760)374-2102
ST1 Shaker Table with Magnetic Separator

This is a compact shaker table that will concentrate gold and other values down to 500 mesh and will process up to 800 pounds of placer or hard rock material per hour! Absolutely ideal for use with rock crushers and active placer operations. You can process material up to 1/4 of an inch with this table and it is equipped with built in nugget traps. All eccentrics have ball bearings for long life and precision action. The ST1 comes equipped with a magnetic separator that helps liberate the gold and provides for superior recovery.
The ST1 Table has 4 discharge ports, an essential system for the professional:
Port #1: Pure Gold
Port #2: Roughing Port
Port #3: Midlings
Port #4: Tailings
This table must be bolted down (see ST1B below) and requires a 110 Volt power source. Dimensions are 43" x 17"

* Steel Base Not Included (see below)

Steel Base for ST1 Shaker Table
A specially constructed steel base for the ST1 Shaker Table. The thick wall welded steel tube makes this the perfect base for the ST1.

Mini Max MMPSCK Power Sluice Concentrator
The new and improved Mini Max Power Sluice Concentrator is the multi-tool of prospecting. We have changed our updated machine from a double pump system to one single, larger pump. The new pump provides not only greater water flow and higher head lift but also a larger diameter pressure hose which creates a higher flow than the double pump system. We've also doubled the hose length to 8 feet, added a new ball valve for precise flow control and a screw on connector that requires no tools.
Whether you are working river banks, desert placer's or just cleaning concentrates for larger dredges and equipment, the Mini Max is a prospecting tool that will always be part of your arsenal. This multi purpose package includes a removable mat for the lower sluice box, converting it to a professional clean up machine simly by sliding out the green rubber riffle and replacing it with Miracle Matting. It is also supplied with an additional finer woven mesh screen on the top hopper for using it as a concentrating system. Another new improvement is that the Mini Max is powered by a single 2200 GPH, 12 volt pump made proudly in the U.S.A. The top hopper is equipped with a flood header that provides smooth water flow through the trough, over a slick plate and in to a 6 inch section of miracle mat that gives you a preview to any captured gold! The top sluice lifts off easily so you can inspect the lower sluice, eliminating the need for cleaning. The material is then washed over a removable classifier grizzly screen, removing the oversized waste gravel. The bottom sluice box is lined with our green rubber riffle that recovers ultra fine gold and can handle larger volumes of material. When used as a concentrating system, the lower sluice is partially covered by oversized expanded metal. When used as a power sluice you can expect a capacity of up to a quarter of a yard per hour and about a third of its capacity when used as a concentrating machine. This Mini Max can also be operated by a small, single gas powered pump such as our P90G Pump Kit. This device is ideal for back packing given it folds up into an compact size of 36 by 14 by 7 inches and weighs under 23 pounds. The four independent legs fold up with our new pin-lock folding system with large wing nuts that make it a breeze to adjust elevation and articulation. Thw Mini Max also includes a mountable flare for use as a hand sluice.
Net weight 23 pounds.
Shipping weight 29 lbs.


The KSCRM1 Super Concentrator

Libre Baskerville is a classic font with a modern twist. It’s easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.
Keene Engineering has developed the perfect concentrator riffle so you can experience unsurpassed fine gold recovery with a sluice box. This is a professional clean up tool constructed of quality parts that are built to last. The first Hungarian Riffle molded into a rubber mat and built into a portable concentrator sluice measuring 44 inches long by 8 inches wide with a built in flood-header box, plumbed with an adjustable flow valve to meter water flow and separate spray nozzle for clean up. Includes adjustable brackets, two 5 gallon buckets and a pump.
The KSCR has been greatly redesigned with a newly designed flood header to provide better flow, A higher capacity 1250 GPH 12 volt American made pump. The sluice now features an 8 inch section of ribbed carpeting and zinc-plated expanded metal, offering more efficient processing of course materials and irregularly shaped gold.
We have made the sluice into a two piece configuration for reduced cost on shipping!
Constructed entirely with materials made in the U.S.A, including the pump!
Capacity: 100 lbs per hour.
Operates for 8 hours on a typical automobile battery.
Battery not included.
Weight 27 lbs. Shipping weight 50 lbs.
GREEN MIRACLE MAT is also sold separately by the inch1 inch in length x 35 inches wide. Item #KSCRM1
Gold Concentrating Bowl
Many experts prefer the Gold Concentrating Bowl over other methods because it gets down to a finer mesh!
Recover your fine gold quickly and easily from water flow from a water pump, battery powered pump or a simple garden hose! This spiffy bowl uses only 3 gallons of water per minute and has no parts to wear out or replace! Made of high impact plastic and so easy to set up on its folding legs that its ideal for taking out in the field. Measures 13/5" x 5".
You can also easily purchase pumps from any Pet Shop. These are the same small pumps used to recirculate water in a fish tank.

Automatic Spiral Feeder
This unit provides an automatic feed to the bowl. Pour your concentrates into feeder trough, adjust water flow and watch the results. This new automatic feeder adapts easily to the Spiral Gold Wheel. Simply connect it to the port provided on the lower left side of the bowl. Kit includes:multi adjustable arm, an adjustable spray bar and manifold with swing away feature for access to wheel for cleaning. Feeder tray with multiple adjustment knobs, battery terminals, manifold feeder including all hoses and clamps. If your unit does not include the new 1100GPH pump, you must purchase an additional pump for the kit. Net Weight: 4lbs.

Large Mortar & Pestle
Grind, grind and grind some more with this large cast iron mortar and pestle. Sometimes the tried and true old fashioned tools will only do the job.
Measures 5" tall.

Clay Be Gone
Drops clay and other suspended material from water in seconds flat! A very handy item for use in panning, tubs, concentrating tables and much more! Fully compatible with soaps and other surface additive
