GoldMiners OutPost

Tel. (760)374-2102

Shirttail Creek is a feeder creek to the North Fork of the American River. It has good gold in it and there is small portion open to the public for panning and sluicing (the rest is private and claimed up) This area is called the ‘Auburn Recreation area’
There’s an interesting story of how Shirttail Creek got it’s name. Back in the year 1849, two miners were prospecting the area and happened to come across another miner panning for gold. He was wearing absolutely nothing in the way of clothing except for a shirt, not overly lengthy. Embarrassed, the newcomers asked the other miner what was the name of the place was. After glancing down at his outfit, he answered, “don’t know any name for it yet, but we might as well call it shirt-tail, as anything else”. Thus, the creek was named. (Excerpted from)
Some of my best gold prospecting adventures with family and friends have been at this creek!!! Good memories!
Every year we rent a cabin on private (gold bearing) property and have a blast getting good gold. Below are some photos of those times

Beautiful Shirttail Creek!

This creek is loaded with gold!
On the way there!
Beautiful North Fork of the American River!
Boy! I miss dredging for gold!

This is the bridge that goes over the North Fork of the American River to Auburn Recreation Area (off Yankee Jims Road)

Following up Shirttail Creek

Where’d this Peacock come from!?

This is gold from only panning and sluicing!

Arriving at the cabin! It’s awesome staying here! (I never want to leave!) The only draw back is the mice playing at night! Ha ha!

Inside the cabin - I wish I owned it!

Outside of the cabin!

Breakfast anyone?!

View from the patio!

Starting the day prospecting on Shirttail Creek!


Found some nice gold on this bedrock!

This quartz vein runs into and across the creek! Got about and ounce of gold a couple years ago dredging in this vein!

Sluice box LOADED with gold
Recent gold I got - 3 ½ grams! Just using a sluice box and crevising!

Youtube - Video
Good gold slucing!
Even more 2 hours later!

Older pic’s from a few years ago with the owner Bill Hayes - High Banking, Dredging, etc. This is one of my favorite places to prospect!
No that’s not poop in the toilet but a little froggie just chillin’! We seen it there as soon as we got to the cabin
Got 4.7 grams of gold High Banking there in one or two days!

Got about 5 grams dredging that days for a few hours!

Beautiful gold just the way the good Lord made it! - Natural placer gold from the Mother Lode Country!

Mr. Millipede

Good gold man!!!
My dredge in action!
Eric and I on my most recent trip here, got great gold sluicing (see videos above)- About 3 ½ grams or more. We camped out and went to town digging the following morning!

Setting up camp

Sampling - (Very important!)

Found a good spot on bedrock down from a slight bend in the river

Good gold!!!
Short clip of 3 ½ grams of gold!

Sniping in some deep cracks - got some nice chunky pickers out of them!