GoldMiners OutPost

Email: crazyforgold007@yahoo.com
Tel. (760)374-2102
(New claim I purchased called "Inca Gold")
This claim is very beautiful - It’s near Quincy, CA (An old historic Gold Rush town situated between the North and Middle Fork of the Feather River) and the photos are of my first time there sampling it. I got ticked off because at the end of the day I left the gold that I got there (or it fell out of my pocket, I’m not sure) I actually got some pretty nice gold - That’s not the first time I lost gold and even some nuggets because of my anxiousness!!! :( Oh well, next time - But the area is very historical and a LOT of gold was pulled out from this area! Hydraulic Mining was done up the creek more, but there’s plenty of small stuff on the claim! The GPAA has some claims just up the creek above mine in the Keddie area.
UPDATE: (Went there recently again for a couple of hours and found gold in almost every sample pan, both high up by the trail and down below on the creek! See pics below near bottom of page)
Background of the area:
Millions in gold were taken from the Spanish Creek Mines between 1851 and 1905. To supply the miners the small town of New Boston sprang up at the mouth of the Wahponsey Creek. Complete with a toll gate, apple orchard and gardens, in the 1870's it was covered by slicking from the large hydraulic mines nearby. Water to mine was brought from Silver Lake and Upper Spanish Creek by a ditch, some 20 miles long. Gopher Hill, Plumas County's largest hydraulic mine, is now the county dump. Also through this area ran the historic Beckwourth Emigrant Trail.
From 1855 to approximately 1859 there was extensive hydraulic mining activity in Plumas County. About four and a half millions ounces of California Gold was recovered using this method. Some of the sites worth mentioning are Nelson Point, Sawpit Flat, Gopher Hill, and the Upper Spanish Creek mines.

Cool train track bridge going over the claim above Spanish Creek

Friends we met on the way down who owned the claim next to mine - It turns out they from the same area that I lived in and also went to the same church (Calvary Chapel) - Small world!

Here it is the beautiful Spanish Creek gold claims!

Having fun digging in the dirt for gold!
Spanish Creek Campground
It’s hard to see because of the shade, but there are many piles of rocks in the area from the old mining days!

Whether I sampled high up on the bedrock or down lower in the creek, I found gold!

Spanish Creek

More tailing piles handsatcked by the Chinese miners from the gold rush period. It was also mined here during the Great Depression