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(Below Randsburg near Atolia)

GoldMiners OutPost


Tel. (760)374-2102


This is another one of my favorite areas to drywash for gold - It’s very peaceful being in such an interesting and historical area. Also, it’s not uncommon to see other fellow prospectors drywashing, recirculating, and metal detecting for the yellow precious metal. The area is claimed up so you need to be a member of a club to be able mine for gold. (Membership is cheap) During the 1890’s, men would come in town everyday with pokes of gold dust from the stringer district by drywashing methods




Randsburg - by the beginning of the twentieth century has settled into a calm period of average, modest mining production. No new gold discoveries were made after 1900 and the easy diggings had been worked and reworked. The lode mines were being run by companies and corporations, and the gold placers yielded less and less. Since 1896 miners and prospectors in the Stringer District (southeast of Randsburg) had been cursing the unwanted appearance of a creamy white substance in their pans and dry washers that was interfering with the gold recovery. The nasty stuff was nicknamed “heavy spar.”

It was actually scheelite, tungsten ore. Hundreds had discovered “ heavy spar before, cursing it for getting in the way. Yet when George Gay and Pat Burns found float at the St. Elmo Mine in 1904, they recognized it as scheelite. In trying to trace the float back to its source, the two missed the rich Atolia veins but discovered that the Stringer District veins contained tungsten values.

Randsburg stirred and yawned as men ran back to the Stringer District to relocate that “heavy spar.” What was once cursed was now coveted! Gay and Burns missed the rich veins of the Atolia District because the veins were entirely covered by detritus except at one location. In the excitement that the two created, this was soon discovered as the Papoose, which from 1908 to 1911 was the leading scheelite mine in the world. With the Papoose discovery and the later location of the Union Mine, Randsburg had something to shout about. Her second boom was on, even though, due to the more glamorous Nevada strikes (Tonopah, Goldfield, Rhyolite), and a few California booms (Skidoo and Greenwater), Randsburg's jubilation went largely unnoticed outside the county.

Atkins and De Golia put up the first tungsten mill in 1907. Combining their names, the prospectors gave the name Atolia to their camp, located 4 miles south of Johannesburg. Atolia's 60 citizens dry washed the area for high grade float, and many worked for the Atolia Mining Company, which very quickly bought up all the good ground, becoming the owners of 56 claims accounting for 95 percent of the entire district's tungsten production.

Atolia was becoming very wealthy and being very quiet about it, arousing no outside interest. The Atolia Mining Company produced close to $100,000 worth of ore in 1906, their first year of operation. By 1913, just 7 years later, they had produced $1,000,000 worth of ore. In 1914 the Atolia Mining Company sold 28,000 units of tungsten ore worth a total of $182,000. A unit is 20 pounds of ore containing 60 percent or more of tungsten trioxide. At that time a unit of ore sold for $6.50. Because of the wartime demand for tungsten (used as an alloy to harden steel), its price more than doubled in 1915 to $14 a unit. The Atolia Mining Company nearly doubled their production that year to 54,000 units, raking in $763,000 from ore worth only $360,000 the year before. The outside world began to notice Atolia and the population that year rose to 300.

Atolia's biggest year was 1916, as the value of tungsten was skyrocketing. Doubling its production again, the Atolia Mining Company produced 108,000 units of ore at $33 a unit for a total of over three and a half million dollars. Atolia's population swelled to 2,000. Storekeepers took tungsten ore in exchange for groceries and merchandise, and Illingsworth and Dunnell, a local merchant house, received $200,000 worth of ore by May, 1916.


Eastern manufacturers sent buyers to Atolia to bid on tungsten ore like bushels of wheat or cotton, with prices for small amounts of high grade ore, in at least one instance, reaching $90 a unit. The buyers didn't ask too many questions as to where the tungsten came from, as highgrading was all too common. However, miners were watched as if they were mining South African diamonds; lunch pails were inspected daily, and ore was sealed before shipment by rail. Tungsten had become a precious metal


Water was almost just as precious in Atolia. Shipped in by rail from Hinkley, a tank car of water cost between $15 and $28. Until 1917, when the Randsburg Water Company pipeline reached Atolia, the mining company was doing it's best to conserve water and even caught rainfall with gutters on every building.


People in the Randsburg area made thousands of dollars from tungsten overnight. One S. E. Vermilyea purchased a lease for $2,000 and worried that he'd never recover his initial investment. Three days later he hit high grade ore and refused an offer of $25,000. A canvas bag the size of a shopping bag filled with high grade scheelite float was worth $350. Even children gathered the ore and made big money.


,000 more than were produced in 1916. Although this was worth more than two million dollars, this represented a loss of one and a half million dollars over what the same amount would have brought in 1916. The price of tungsten had dropped to $18 a unit.


Atolia tungsten production for 1918 was $1,525,000 from 61,000 units of ore at $25 a unit, and in 1919, when only 4,000 units were sold at $16 a unit, the Atolia boom was over. The next year the Atolia Mining Company didn't ship a single unit of ore. With demand down (World War I was over) and tungsten being quite inexpensively mined in China, Atolia seemingly died.


Carl E. Stibs Dry Washing Gold and Tungsten on the Merced Claim in 1956


The Mojave Nugget is the largest known gold nugget ever found in California, United States. It was found in the Stringer district near Randsburg by prospector Ty Paulsen in 1977 using a metal detector. The nugget, which weighs 156 troy ounces (4.9 kg), is part of the Margie and Robert E. Petersen Collection of gold nuggets that was donated to the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. The collection contains 132 pieces of gold and has a total weight of more than 1,660 troy ounces (52 kg).

On Feb. 26th 1910 The Los Angeles Mining Review reported this:


JOHANNESBURG, Feb. 21: - During the past month the Red Dog, Osdick and Sunshine stamp mills have been in constant operations on ores from the from the Stringer District, and have been getting unusually good returns. These mills comprise 20 stamps, and have average a cleanup of about one thousand dollars per stamp during this time, or a total production of twenty thousand dollars. The Stringer District, from which the ore was taken, is a section of the Rand Mining District, between the Yellow Aster mine, and the Tungsten Belt. The name “stringer” originates from the fact that the ore chutes are not continuous, but are found in patches of from one to one hundred tons. The patches when opened up, generally show big values, and a strike of ore worth three hundred dollars per ton is not considered unusual in this locality. While operations in the Stringer have a reputation of being profitable; on account of the difficulty of blocking a given tonnage of ore most of the operations are carried on in a small way by leasers.


So you can see that some pretty good gold was taken from this area! And gold prospectors still find gold there today

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Turn here at Osdick Rd., (Just South of Red Mountain) - Remember, no prospecting in this area unless you’re a member of a club that owns the claims here, but they’re cheap to join (One of

them is the OC 49ers)


Osdick Rd and Randsburg Cutoff


Neat old houses in the area


Old mine tailing piles - Good gold can still be found in these!






Looking towards the Baltic Mine and the Lamont Pit Mining area


Drywashing for gold!!!

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Diggin’ away!


We used the Keene Vac Pack to clean off the bedrock and found some nice color for our first time in this area!


You can see the bedrock here


My cut of the gold - too bad I had to split it   :(     I kid, I kid!

If you look closely, you can see the heavy Tungsten (Sheelite) that gave the miners so much trouble trying to separate from the gold (It’s a milky color or it kind of looks like quartz) It’s heavier than it looks!

Historical Note on this area: The ore bodies most commonly occur in the vein footwalls, usually at or near vein intersections or in sheared and brecciated zones. The ore consists of iron oxide-stained brecciated and silicified rock containing native gold in fine grains and varying amounts of sulfides. The sulfides increase at depth, but the gold values decrease. Most mining has stopped where unoxidized sulfides were found in the veins, and the maximum depth of development is 600 feet. Milling ore contains from 1/7 to 1/4 ounce of gold per ton. The high-grade ore nearly always occurs in pockets near the surface. Most of the placer gold has been recovered from dry placers at Stringer or in the Rand Mountains north of Randsburg.


Lots of old tailing piles!

More tailings

Another gulch we worked - notice the quartz everywhere!

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